When analyzing 11 similar group photos published over the past 15 years we can see a pattern of black models and movie stars being tackled away on the back rows or sides. Most of such photos are tri-fold, so the top part of the photos always shows only white people. Initially, such group combinations were a norm, but as time goes on and topic of racism is raised with every possibility, making such photos in 2o12 is plain unacceptable.
Question arises, why black and even white models agree pose in such discriminating photos? We all here to judge, but who's fault is here. For the most part of people participating in such photos. Funny thing, is that some shoots represent times when black people were on the peak of emergence in fashion world - 1930's. No movie about Great Depression is made without large number of black characters. Yet, when it comes to this photo black people are absent.

Interestingly, in style.com comments people disregard the point of the article and take time to discuss who is better Zoe Saldana or Halle Berry.
Interestingly, in style.com comments people disregard the point of the article and take time to discuss who is better Zoe Saldana or Halle Berry.
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